things to do on bowen island

Cultivating Your Inner Landscape: Practices for Enhanced Self-Awareness

Cultivating Your Inner Landscape: Practices for Enhanced Self-Awareness

why self-awareness matters

Psychologists Shelley Duval and Robert Wicklund have formulated this definition of self awareness, "Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don't align with your internal standards. If you're highly self-aware, you can objectively evaluate yourself, manage your emotions, align your behavior with your values, and understand correctly how others perceive you."

Exploring Turkey Tail Mushroom: Benefits, Identification, and Uses from Bowen Island's Premier Wellness Retreat

Exploring Turkey Tail Mushroom: Benefits, Identification, and Uses from Bowen Island's Premier Wellness Retreat

Read below to learn more about Turkey Tail mushroom, including:

  • Turkey tail mushroom benefits

  • Turkey tail mushroom identification and look alikes

  • Turkey tail mushroom benefits for skin

  • Where to buy Turkey tail mushroom

  • Turkey tail’s spiritual significance

  • Nectar’s own adaptogenic chai recipe with Turkey tail mushroom

Things to Do On Bowen Island: Breathtaking Views of Foxglove Flowers in June

Things to Do On Bowen Island: Breathtaking Views of Foxglove Flowers in June

Here on Bowen Island, Foxgloves are typically in bloom starting in late May lasting to late June or early July, displaying their showy, tubular blooms in vibrant hues of purple, pink, white, and yellow that stand out in woodlands and other grassy or forested habitats. 

The Latin name Digitalis purpurea, from which the 'digitalis' chemical derives its name, is utilized in medicine for managing blood pressure and heart conditions. Nonetheless, it's crucial to note that all parts of the Foxglove are toxic if consumed. Despite this, the appeal of the Digitalis genus, which boasts 20 diverse species of Foxgloves, remains undiminished. Perhaps it's their enchanting beauty juxtaposed with their toxic nature that captivates. Since 'digitalis' originates from 'digitus', meaning finger, this could symbolize the plant's allure, as if its delicate blooms (or fingers) are beckoning humans to engage with it spiritually.