
Pitta Dosha is Associated with Fire and Water in Ayurveda

Pitta Dosha is Associated with Fire and Water in Ayurveda

If you are familiar with general Ayurvedic practices and the three doshas (where you may also hear of vata body type, kapha body type, and pitta body type), you already know that the summer corresponds to the Pitta season.

If you want to learn some of the fundamentals of the doshas, we cover that in “The Three Doshas Defined.

As we retune our inner rhythm to the energies surrounding our own and the seasonal Pitta dosha this season, we explore the principles surrounding the Yama, Satya.

Are you curious about the Raja yoga system and more details about the Yamas and Niyamas? We outline everything in our blog post, “Overview of the Raja Yoga System.